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Updated: Aug 20, 2023

In just over two weeks’ time, starting September 1st, the government is launching an unprecedented new assault on the nation’s children - offering the toxic and proven dangerous (potentially fatally so) flu nasal spray to all three million of the nation’s secondary school children. This has never happened before (as healthy teenagers are at effectively no risk from the condition the vaccine claims to prevent), there has been no consultation with parents (most of whom have no idea this is going to go ahead), and the consequences could be very severe - not just for the children, but for all of us, as the tidal wave of illness in schools this flu spray programme is likely to create could be used as "evidence" of a new pandemic. Note that last year's outbreak of Strep A in primary schools was linked to the flu spray We have already been warned by Boris Johnson that, if ever there was “a new variant that affected children”, the UK would lock down again, as well as adopting other Covid-style restrictions - but that they would be imposed much more harshly this time. Other government advisors have already predicted there "will" be another pandemic, and that it's likely to be with us very soon. Please note the ever-increasing propaganda creep in the press preparing us for "Pandemic 2", as mask use is already starting to visibly go up in public places, and "the experts" are starting to push widespread mask-wearing again. It's clear the establishment is preparing us for a return of a Covid-like scenario with Covid-style restrictions, but there is likely to be an enormous difference this time around: last time, Covid was said to mainly affect the elderly. This new "pandemic" will be said to primarily affect children. Therefore, we must be prepared for the fact that, if and when children begin becoming ill in large numbers, courtesy of the toxic nasal flu spray millions of them will be receiving from September (whilst adults aged 50-64 are exempted from flu vaccination), a national mass panic is likely to set in, which will be grievously exacerbated by the media, who will stream constant terrifying footage of desperately ill children into the nation's living rooms. The horror and terror this will provoke will be used to demonise dissenters: to cast anyone who questions the veracity of this new "pandemic" - or consequent restrictions put in place to contain it - as an 'evil monster' who doesn't care about children. We cannot wait until this happens to take action. By the point that signs of illness in children have become widespread, panic and fear levels will be so high that people's reason and rationale will be disabled, meaning they will simply attack anyone who suggests anything other than "complying with the restrictions to protect the children". So we must ACT NOW, in this period of relative normality and calm, where the public consciousness is not disabled by fear, to raise the alarm and bring awareness to the fact that a new pandemic is being planned. We must share the message that any new epidemic of mass illness (especially a variety that appears to disproportionately affect children) won't have occurred naturally or organically - and that it CAN be stopped, if we can alert enough people in time. Please help us raise awareness of this likely future scenario whilst we still have time, by ordering some of our leaflets, bringing these facts to mass public attention. Informed Consent Matters prioritises bridging the gap between so-called "conspiracy theorists", and average people, meaning our leaflet has been carefully written and designed to get "normal" people thinking, and seriously considering the possibility that the next pandemic won’t “just happen” - rather, it is being planned, and children are being targeted. Informed Consent Matters strongly believes that, to have maximal impact, we must get our activism off the echo chambers of social media and into the real world, by alerting friends, neighbours, and colleagues to what is likely on the horizon, and sparking urgent conversations in our own real-life communities. Offline resources that can be handed out in the real world, and that aren't restricted by internet algorithms, censorship, and shadow bans, are perfect for doing this. If you can, please order some leaflets today and hand them out in your local area, especially in areas near schools. We are at war and the nature of that warfare isn't obviously brutal or violent, involving guns and bombs: the war is psychological, and the weapons are vehicles of information. Therefore, the most powerful tool at our disposal is our ability to counter the false, misleading, and potentially deadly misinformation of the enemy, with the real facts, which empower our own troops to be able to effectively fight back. Remember that nobody was "forced" to do anything in Covid - armed soldiers didn't push anything on anyone at gunpoint. Rather, the public at large was manipulated with false information. That shows the phenomenal power information has, and how it can shape people's most profound decisions. This means that, if we can get the right information into enough people's hands in time, we can potentially change the future for us all - and even save lives. So please do order some leaflets today, and let's get these vital conversations started. "Covid" didn't come with much warning. "Plandemic 2" does - so let's use that to our advantage, and get more allies on our side for this next crucial fight for our freedom.


"Many are calling this the "summer of fun." With no muzzles, lockdowns or forced injection mandates, people feel like the crisis is over; it is time to enjoy our freedom and the good weather. However, there are many reasons for caution and intensified activism..." Dr. Mark Trozzi, MD, July 23rd, 2023

Dr. Trozzi echoes our concerns here at Informed Consent Matters, that while - much as occurred in the Covid chapter - the social engineers are taking the summer off, allowing us to enjoy a degree of "normality", once the warmer months are over and parliament is back in session in September, we will be hit with the next manufactured crisis.

Please note the legacy media is already working hard to whip up fear about a potential measles epidemic sweeping the UK and globe, whilst the government is planning - for the first time ever - to offer the potent and transmissible flu nasal spray to every secondary school child in the country (more than three million children), starting September 1st. If you haven’t already, please consider sending our template letter on this subject to your local schools.

Having learned from the "warning signs" last time, and taking into account various ominous cautions from government advisors, it looks very like the establishment is planning another pandemic to start very soon.

Informed Consent Matters wants to raise as much awareness as possible of this potential scenario, to give people time to prepare, and to empower them to question the nature of the next "pandemic" when it hits: is this really just a natural disaster that nobody could have stopped... or has this been meticulously prepared and planned at the highest levels of society, in order to fulfil nefarious goals?

We have designed a simple yet powerful new leaflet (see below), which can be handed out in your local community to start spreading awareness and help prompt conversations.

We think it's vitally important to get our activism off the internet and into the real world, to help develop local networks and in-person connections, and we have found leafleting to be a really effective way of doing that.

It's not just about converting "normies", but connecting like-minds - with around 15% of the population now "awake", there's likely to be at least one fellow awake person on your own street and many hundreds more in your local community - yet it's not easy to know who they are. Handing out leaflets and getting a positive response lets you know!

So please consider ordering some leaflets today, and together, we can spread awareness, start conversations, and unite communities - in preparation for whatever might be coming next.

Thanks for reading, and for your support in spreading the crucial message that in all aspects of our lives, and not least when it comes to our health, informed consent really does matter.


At the time of writing (July 2023), news headlines across the UK and globe are warning of an imminent measles outbreak amongst certain populations.

Predicting that this outbreak could affect tens of thousands of people, and blaming it on waning measles (MMR) vaccination rates, health authorities are cautioning of the possibility of a serious epidemic.

Are they right to be concerned? Would a measles outbreak really pose a grave threat to the nation's health?

Although measles has, in recent years, developed a reputation as a serious, even killer, disease, this is a fairly modern "rebranding". Prior to the measles vaccination being made available in the 1960s, measles was considered a routine childhood infection, which almost all children passed through with no lasting effects.

Indeed, when the then 12-year-old Prince Charles, heir to British the throne, contracted measles in 1960, it was casually reported in the newspapers that "the rash appeared Tuesday and is expected to run its usual course. No further bulletins are expected".

There was certainly no concern the young prince might die - and most families experienced measles the same way: a rash and a fever which quickly ran their course with no lasting effects. Even modern sources confirm that measles "usually passes in about seven to 10 days without causing any further problems".

So why does the word 'measles' strike fear into the hearts of parents and policy-makers alike?

It's true that there was a time, historically, when poor sanitation and overcrowding were rife, that measles was associated with more debilitating effects, including death. However, these trends were reversed by improvements in nutrition, sanitation, and plumbing. By the time the measles vaccination was introduced in the UK in 1968, deaths from measles had already declined to very low levels.

Although advocates of vaccination often credit the measles vaccine with eliminating deaths from measles, this is not an accurate picture, and evidence shows that modern plumbing and sanitation, plus improvements in diet, had a far more profound impact on reducing severe effects associated with measles than did the measles vaccination. As anthropology scholar, Joel Edwards, said in a recent essay:

"Vaccines get all the glory, but most plumbers will tell you that it was water infrastructure – sewage systems and clean water – that eradicated disease, and they’re right."

So, by the time the measles vaccine came along, modern sanitation standards meant measles had already stopped being a serious disease for the vast majority of those who acquired it, and families saw it - as the Royal Family did for Prince Charles - as a minor inconvenience that meant little more than a few days in bed.

However, with a lucrative vaccine to retail, pharmaceutical companies needed a market, hence measles gradually began to be rebranded by the government and press, from the routine and non-serious childhood infection it had become since modern plumbing, into a serious illness that could severely blight children's lives or even kill them.

Twenty years after the introduction of the measles vaccine, this situation intensified, with the introduction of the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination, meant to replace the single measles vaccination.

The MMR has been surrounded in particular controversy in recent decades, owing primarily to the work of gastroenterologist, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In 1998, Dr. Wakefield discovered a possible link between the vaccine strain of the measles virus, and the kind of bowel disorders often associated with autism.

Dr. Wakefield only discovered this link with the then newly-released trivalent MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination, and not with the traditional single measles vaccine.

Therefore, Wakefield advised parents to opt for the single vaccination as a safer alternative to the MMR. Of course, the single measles vaccination still comes with risks, as all vaccines do, but Wakefield judged the risk to be significantly lower.

However, the UK Government discontinued the single measles vaccine shortly after the introduction of the MMR, and this vaccine is now only available privately, whilst the MMR vaccine continues to be associated with a wide and debilitating range of potential side effects. (Note that, as of 2023, Dr. Andrew Wakefield no longer recommends any childhood vaccinations.)

As a result of Wakefeld's work, many parents chose not to give their children the MMR vaccine, which officials have pointed to as a "risk factor" for a measles outbreak as - so they claim - in many areas, not enough children are vaccinated against measles to achieve "herd immunity".

It's important to realise that there is no evidence vaccination can achieve herd immunity, even with 100% vaccination rates, as has been evidenced by such contained environments as naval ships, where all on board are vaccinated, yet still experience disease outbreaks.

The theory of herd immunity was developed in relation to natural infection, and has never been shown to be achievable by vaccination. When health authorities give a figure to denote the number of people that need to be vaccinated to protect the rest of the "herd" (e.g., 95%, as the WHO claims is necessary for herd immunity to measles), they are not basing this figure on actual hard science or reproducible proof, given there is no definitive proof vaccination has ever conferred herd immunity to any infection.

It is also important to note anomalies in the diagnosis of the measles infection, insofar as, the test used to determine if someone currently has an active measles infection, is the same test used to determine if they are immune to measles - an antibody test. This means a doctor could test a vaccinated person, discover they had antibodies to the measles virus, and use this as "proof" the vaccine had worked and conferred immunity, whilst using the exact same test on an unvaccinated person, finding they also had antibodies to the measles virus, and using this as "proof" they currently had an active measles infection.

Please note that in reality, a positive antibody test proves neither immunity to disease nor evidence of an active infection - all it shows is that the test recipient has, at some point, been exposed to the disease antigen in question. So a positive measles antibody test simply means the person being tested has at some point been exposed to the measles virus. It doesn't mean they are immune to it, nor does it mean they currently have an active measles infection.

Testing anomalies around measles are even more profound when it comes to the PCR test, which can also be used as a diagnostic tool, and - in the face of a declared "epidemic" - may be more likely to be used as a quicker and cheaper alternative to antibody testing.

This is deeply concerning because - as the "Covid" episode demonstrated - PCR tests are notoriously over-sensitive, and can give a false positive result for a more serious condition, when in reality, a person has nothing more than a cold - or even (as per so-called "asymptomatic cases") is not ill at all.

In understanding why PCR tests can create "false epidemics" with their over-sensitive nature, it's important to study their history, what they were really developed for, and why their inventor - Nobel-prize winning scientist, Kary B. Mullis - said of his test, "anybody can test positive for anything with the PCR. It doesn't tell you you're sick."

Real-world evidence of PCR testing being used to create false epidemics came in 2007, when a hospital in the USA declared a pertussis (whooping cough) epidemic on the basis of PCR testing.

However, when the samples were further examined with the gold standard testing of growing the relevant bacterium in the lab, it was found none of the people believed to be infected actually had pertussis at all, but simply had ordinary respiratory infections like the common cold.

This is a highly cautionary tale as, in terms of measles, most of its symptoms are the same general symptoms as are experienced with any seasonal cold or flu - runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and a fever.

Therefore, it would be eminently possible for persons with such symptoms to take a PCR test, and - even though in reality they just have a cold - to test positive for measles: a result which could then be used as a statistic to "prove" a measles outbreak.

Covid was often referred to as a "casedemic", as many of the more severe government restrictions were based on numbers of "positive cases", rather than numbers of hospitalisations or deaths - and a "positive case" based on PCR testing is, in many cases, scientifically meaningless. It doesn't prove someone has the condition they have "tested positive" for, and doesn't even prove they are ill at all. Most people who "tested positive" for Covid with the PCR had mild or no illness.

Please note that, concurrently to predicting an imminent measles epidemic (many symptoms of which are indistinguishable from colds and flus), the UK government is also gearing up to - for the first time ever - offer the nasal flu vaccine to all secondary school children in England (as well as all primary pupils, as has been the case for some time, and as was linked to last year’s Strep A outbreak in schools). This spray is known to create cold and flu-like symptoms, and to have the ability to spread them to others.

Therefore, this new highly vaccinated childhood cohort are at heightened risk of developing the kind of cold and flu-like symptoms, which - were they subject to over-sensitive PCR testing - could be falsely diagnosed as measles, therefore providing "evidence" there is another "deadly pandemic" which the government must impose harsh restrictions to contain.

The government and its advisors have already warned there "will" be another pandemic, that it "will" be worse than Covid, and that it will be dealt with with much more "stringent" restrictions.

At Informed Consent Matters, we prioritise the provision of accurate and impartial information, so - should the government declare another "pandemic" in future, especially on the basis of either PCR or antibody testing - people are equipped with the full facts before deciding how to respond.

Positive PCR tests (or positive antibody tests) are not evidence of the existence of a currently active infectious disease - as the PCR's test inventor stated on many occasions - but they can be used as an effective "theatre prop" for governments to scare populations into compliance with harsh restrictions. This is especially so if a new "pandemic" is seen to disproportionately affect children - which is likely, due to potential ill effects of the flu nasal spray, which will this September be offered to more than three million more children than normal.

Informed Consent Matters hopes the information on this page, and contained in the rest of our resource, will help you make the right health choices for you and your family in the face of any future government-declared "pandemics".

Thanks for reading and we hope you found this information helpful. As a genuinely independent health resource, informed Consent Matters receives no funding from the pharmaceutical industry, or any other commercial interest, and we are entirely funded by our readers. If you would like to make a contribution to help us continue our work, please consider:

Making a purchase from our awareness-raising shop.

Thank you for your support in helping us to spread the crucial message that, when it comes to your family's health, informed consent really does matter.

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